Welcome To The Refuge Ranch
Where the Smallest Spark of Hope Becomes a Flame That Lights Your Path to the Future
The Refuge Ranch is a non-profit organization that offers a residential program for women struggling to overcome addiction.
A Christ-centered approach to recovery empowers women to embrace the journey and experience personal transformation.
“Before coming to The Refuge Ranch my life was completely devastated due to my addiction. I was homeless, had not seen my parents in six years, and my marriage was in shambles. I reached the end of myself and called The Ranch for help. In the past I believed people that needed God were weak. Now I know I can’t do life without him. God brought me to The Ranch, healed my wounds, and gave me the strength to overcome my addiction. He has always had something greater planned for my life than I could have imagined. Now I am free from the bondage of addiction, my marriage has been restored and I have found a purpose greater than myself." Carrie